activities for 8th graders at home

 activities for 8th graders at home

on the weekend of the last week of the 10th-grade year. The aim is to increase awareness of the dangers of alcohol abuse, to encourage children and their parents to make sensible decisions about alcohol use and to build positive attitudes and positive social behavior towards alcohol and other drugs. A booklet designed for young people in Germany and published by the German Federal Ministry for Family, Youth, Health and Seniors [@CR25]; it presents alcohol and other drug use as normal issues in adolescence. The campaign has shown modest effects on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes towards alcohol and other drugs and on their alcohol and other drug use behavior (see Pfeiffer et al. [@CR38]) The study {#Sec5} The current study assessed whether the previous campaign's impact would increase or decrease among older adolescents and whether such increase would be maintained over time. In order to determine this, we first assessed whether the campaign had reached older adolescents and whether their perceptions of the campaign had changed in a positive or negative way (see study 1). Next, we tested the long-term impact of the campaign by assessing whether any increase in the campaign's effects for the older adolescents had been maintained over time (see study 2). For the first study, the current paper focused on a subsample of the 9^th^ graders that participated in the study Study 1: Perceptions and Effects of the "Don't drink too much" Campaign {#Sec6} Methods {#Sec7 Sampling {#Sec8}For the current study, students were drawn from the participants of two German high schools located in the city of Hamburg and the surrounding districts. In this pilot study, we chose Hamburg to enable us to assess whether the "Don't drink too much" campaign reached the older adolescents in Hamburg as effectively as in other German regions. Hamburg is located in a central location in Germany, and the city had a population of around 1.7 million in 2008 and a ratio of 1.4 adolescents per adult (20--64 years).pilot study assessed whether the campaign had reached the older adolescents. This group of adolescents were aged 13--15 years, thus they were already in the 9th-grade of high school and would have been eligible for the "Don't drink too much" campaign. It was also of interest whether the campaign was perceived to be equally effective for boys and girls and how effective the campaign was on this group of adolescents. The study did not use a sampling frame; a sample of students was invited to participate in the study by the school administration. The schools' directors were contacted, who informed the school principals, who in turn informed the teachers. In schools with less than six teachers or classrooms, at least one classroom was randomly chosen. In the participating classrooms, all students were invited to participate in the study. The study
