apps for teachers and students

 apps for teachers and students

! And the new site of "A Place To Shine" features a link to their free student resources. And they've also made me a contributor, as the editor of "Shine and Shine On." This includes a number of weekly e-newsletters, including tips, ideas, news, freebies, and contests for kids. All this information is posted in a variety of easy to navigate formats for a variety of learners.

One of the best resources of the new website is their list of "Shine-ables." These are activities from "A Place To Shine" that can be used to help kids "shine and shine on." If you want to see what it looks like, then check out my blog today and you'll see my list of "Shine-ables" along with some of my kids' favorites. And it's been a long time since I've written a book review, so if you'd like to read one about "A Place To Shine" just follow the link on my blog today. About Me Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm a wife to one great husband and homeschooling mom to four great kids. I love life and try to live it as best as I can with my husband at my side. You can read more about me and my family at my About page. Grab My Button A few notes: Please be sure to credit all images to "A Place to Shine." Some photos and resources will be affiliate links and I will earn a small commission for your click and purchase.All of my blog posts are copyrighted to "A Place to Shine," and as such, all of my blog posts, pages, and o ther blog-based content are prohibited from being copied, borrowed, reblogged, republished, borrowed, copied and used by others in any form whatsoever without express written permission from "A Place to Shine.All of my blog posts, pages, and other blog-based content are strictly the property of "A Place to Shine." No parts of my blog posts may be copied or reblogged without my prior written permission, except where otherwise noted.All reviews, opinions, and recommendations are strictly my own, as it is my way of life to not write reviews, opinions, or recommendations for myself or others, unless it's something that I would like to purchase. If you feel like it has been wrongly written, please contact me and let me know.
