classroom apps for students

 classroom apps for students

in the United States (i.e. U.S.A), United Kingdom (i.e. U.K), and Australia (i.e. AUS), as well as an International (i.e. INT) version for teachers in other countries. The iPad version of Canvas includes the following features:Students and teachers in Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States are taught in accordance with the Australian National Standards.Teachers in the United Kingdom and the United States can create units for which they can be paid for.Teachers in the United Kingdom and the United States can have their students assess themselves and others by taking quizzes, and teachers can grade them.Teachers in the United Kingdom can be notified when students have completed quizzes, exams, and other assignments.Students can be given “grades” and have the “grade book” automatically uploaded to a teacher’s dashboard, where a student can view grades, and a teacher can change the student’s grade.A teacher can have a student automatically check their work against the grading rubric.Teachers in the United Kingdom can have a student record the quality of their work.Students can add pictures, links, and their own writing in their assignments.Teachers can create assignments and units and share them with students.Teachers can assign students as peers, and students can exchange tasks and messages between them.A dashboard for all assignments, grades, and students allows teachers to monitor progress.Teachers can use Moodle for grading and reporting.Teachers can allow their students to log in to Canvas using their U.S. email and password Teachers in the United States can choose whether students can check out, leave, and re-enter Canvas units as they like.Students in the United States can check out assignments using their U.S. email and password.Students in the United States can be graded at any time.Teachers in the United States can have students take assignments and quizzes at their own pace.The iPad version of Canvas includes the following features: Students in Australia can create units which may be used to make submissions to the HSC. Students in Australia can have their progress assessed against their peers.Students in Australia can check out and return to assignments they have created, using their Australian email address and password. The iPad version of Canvas is available for students in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
