curriculum and pedagogy in schools.
curriculum and pedagogy in schools.
The book draws on the author's experiences teaching art history at the middle school level. While the textbook is intended for general education, the author emphasizes how art history provides an excellent context for an introduction to art education at the middle school level.The book is divided into three parts. The first part, “Exploring Ideas,” reviews important aspects of art, examines key ideas of art, and discusses related topics and issues. The second part, “Using the Subject,” explores visual representation through art history, and includes discussion of important artists and art movements. The third part, “Looking for More,” covers art, science, history, and literature.A review of The Art History Curriculum, as well as The Art History Curriculum Teacher's Guide, can be found at the web page, “Telling Students about the Art World.” (Note: This site contains advertisements that may be of interest to art educators.)The author's articlesThe author's writing has appeared in a variety of journals. The following are examples of some of her works.Frequently requested articles are reprinted from past issues of Art Education. The following two articles are listed at the bottom of the first page of this article: A Long, and An Interesting, Ride from the Upper to the Lower Falls. These two works, originally published in 1984, are not often reprinted; they discuss an unusual theme, which, in this instance, is the history of Niagara Falls, New York, and, more specifically, the history of the Lower Falls.Museum education: The power of art; Reflections on teaching art history in the context of museums; and The art museum as a laboratory: Teaching art history with art museum artifacts.Teaching students the values of aesthetic judgment. A review of the literature.Teaching about the art of the United States. A survey of the literature about teaching the art of the United States.Educating the whole child. A review of the literature.The art of teaching. A review of the literature.Using art history as a guide to teaching the art of the museum. A review of the literature.The art of teaching. A review of the literature.Anthropology: Reflections on teaching art history in the context of anthropology. A review of the literature.As a teacher of art history, I believe that I have achieved the goals I set for myself. What is most important for me is to have given my students the knowledge that is absolutely essential in order to appreciate and understand all art, whether art is taught or not. I hope that what I have offered my students is worth the effort it has taken to keep those goals in mind." --The Teacher's Journal,
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