online smart classes

 online smart classes

It’s been a while since a major new release of PHP has been made. With the lack of updates, some of us are looking for an alternative. Here is my first impressions of a project called “Zend Framework” from the author Zend. The framework is under active development. It is released as a complete source code and a binary package including a web server which is written in PHP. The first stable version is already available. ZF can be downloaded as a source package, the source code can also be downloaded separately. The name of the project is a bit long, it is also known under “Zend Framework”, but the project itself also calls itself “P” which stands for PHP. Zend Framework is based on several PHP classes which are available as PHP extensions. The main framework components consist of the directory tree for the source code. Other project files include configuration files, the ZF API library, and Zend Test, a PHP test harness. The latter will be explained later on in this article. Source code I’ve been reading and playing with Zend Framework for about a day now. Most of my work is done using the command line but I decided to create a test site to show you what this framework can do. Zend Framework consists of several different parts which should be installed using the command line. The easiest method for me to get started was to follow the “quick start” guide on the project homepage. You should end up with a “zf” directory inside your “htdocs” folder. This directory will contain the source files and a “index.php” file. Before you start coding you should first register your database for Zend Framework. It’s not important that the connection is using the “Zend Framework” instead of “Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql” you only need to register the adapter. You can do this using the following command line. zf install-connector-adapter My first impression is that Zend Framework seems to be an elegant framework with a lot of features. Some of them are explained in the official documentation. To get more info on a certain topic click the “Zend Framework Documentation” button at the top of each page. You can also use Google to search for a specific topic. Let’s start with a small example. I wanted to try out the “form()” function. $ index.php <?php echo $this->form('myForm'); ?> On line 3 of this simple file we see the “form()” function. This function generates a “form” object that can be used to render HTML code. It is used like this: index.php $ form = new Zend_Form(); echo $form->openTag('h2', array('id' => 'login-form')); echo $form->textField('username', 'Username:'); echo $form->passwordField('password', 'Password:'); echo $form submit('Login'); echo $form->closeTag('p', array('id' => 'login-buttons' Using the Zend_Form object is pretty easy. The constructor can take two parameters which must be specified using the “new” keyword. The first parameter “formType” defines the type of form it is, in this case the type is “Zend_Form”. You can also pass additional parameters to the constructor. If you wanted to create a password field that was required you would do this: form = new Zend
