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book which I will shortly take from my hand, you know, will be called:
"A New Philosophy of Education." The other two will be on the same plan,
"A New Philosophy of Work," and "A New Philosophy of Marriage." These
three may well be called the "Three Great Movements of the World And so I give you this letter, as the beginning of my career of service
to the race. And when I have ended, I will take up my Bible and I will tell you the
whole story of my life.This was said while the audience was deeply stirred. To the woman who
had the courage to make known to the world the facts of which she had
been a witness, the story is of more than historical interest. In this
story are found a number of points which in themselves give the
foundation for her life. She was a great sufferer, for she was deprived
of all her possessions, a portion of her property and all her rights.
For three years she was without a home. The man was a thief, a robber, a
monster, and a thief again. When she had lived in peace and security, he
took all her earnings and robbed her at every turn. When he left her,
she became again possessed of all she had owned.
But to the woman who had brought this story before the world, this fact
was not of consequence. For her the question was not, where had she come
from, but where was she going? Her mission was to give the world a new
philosophy of living and dying, and of this philosophy of life she had
just begun to teach the first lesson. But as this has come to me, I will
give it to you, for you will know the whole story from the beginning This woman came to you in poverty and she asked you to be her patron.
When you asked her to tell her story, she did not know of her own history
and so she told you of others. How little did you know her until you
heard the whole story from her lips. But what a lesson to you of how
you should treat those who come to you asking to be your patrons. A man
with a dollar does not ask a beggar to become his patron. Yet you did
not hesitate a moment to take her from a condition of beggary to a state
of comparative wealth. You did not know her before, but she is of more
importance to you than all the philosophers who ever wrote. And you
know, when she finished her story she said: "Well, now you know who I
am. To her, your story of generosity and love is a true history. With the
history of Jesus, that of Abraham and Sarah, and Moses, and Samson, and
David, and Job, and Moses, and Jesus and you and I, as recorded in the
Bible, the history of the life of this woman is the true story. She is
an example of how to live a true life. And now when she finishes her
story, I will tell you the story of my life. I will not tell you of myself until I have told you of the world. An for you to know all of me, as you do in this first chapter of the Bible,
you must know the whole story of the world. There was once
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