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today and she told me I've to wait for a month for the results. What if I get pregnant before that? Can I have this baby? I'm very scared. I'm bleeding a lot. Please advise me. If you are bleeding it is a good sign that your are actually pregnant. I dont think it will matter when you do find out as long as your in the first three months. If you are over 6 months then it may be an ectopic pregnancy or you may have ovulated already. If you are really worried then make an appointment to see your ob/gyn. Good Luck Hi! I know this is a while ago but I think I have the same problem. I am a 30 year old female and I have never had any children before. I was on birth control for 9 months and at the time of the change it was an IUD. Well 3 months after the IUD was put in, I became pregnant. I now have a baby girl at 2 months and I am starting to feel pregnant again so I think my body just decided to "force" me to go on birth control or it was ovulation. I have been on the pill and it was fine so I am thinking that I just ovulated and I am not pregnant. I am still going to see the doctor again so I don't feel bad but is there any way that I can "force" a pregnancy or a miscarriage? I am really getting confused by this.Hi. You can't "force" an abortion but you can "trigger" a miscarriage. I think it's a combination of stress/mourning the pregnancy and overactive uterine tissue. You can try to do a lot of yoga, exercise, massage, etc. to try to help the body stop reacting so much. If you're pregnant then you may need to take it easy for a little bit until your body calms down a bit. Good luck!! I'm a female and I'm getting ready to start my 6th month of my last month of pregnancy. My last son was only 4 weeks when I passed a very high reading and I was on a progesterone suppository. I don't remember how long I was on it. I had my son at home with the help of my fiance and we had a midwife. I don't have a lot of info about a home birth or birth center. I

