teacher curriculum,

 teacher curriculum,

and it seemed he had been right after all. They weren't exactly sure what they were learning, but they got a lot of information from it. They didn't get any other lessons, but at least they didn't have to worry about getting caught.In a perfect world there would be no worries or worries of any kind.But there was always worry.Chapter Twenty Jade's class was the last one of the day. While they had done well during the last two weeks of lessons, they knew that they had only just begun to scratch the surface. Tomorrow would be the real test.So far they had been having no problems with the lessons. They were well prepared, the lessons had been challenging, and they had been learning a lot of information. Jade was the best of the lot and the others had noticed. They were jealous and it was hard to stay focused when he was so good. If they didn't do well in their final test they would have to work even harder to keep their spot at the top.Even though there was plenty of worry and excitement in the air, all of them were excited about the day. They had all been studying since they were little, and they were ready.Jade was not. In fact, he had become increasingly uncomfortable as the last few days had gone by. He had even missed the last class he had in order to get out and take care of something he needed to take care of.He had called the guy, but they hadn't talked. He had gotten what he needed done. Now he was standing in the gym, nervous and excited, waiting to see if Jade would do well.They were all there, and it was the first time they had all been together in a classroom since their classes had started. Jade was standing between Chris and Aaron with their bags ready to go. He was glad to see that the others had them. He could tell he wouldn't be able to get through his day without some food.While Chris and Aaron were the youngest, they had been the easiest to pick out. Their bright blue shirts stood out among the older kids and everyone had noticed them. Jade had picked them up in a sports shop about a year ago and he thought they looked like they would be fun to hang around with.He was surprised to find out they were really a lot like him. Chris was quiet and a little shy, but he had a great sense of humor. He made everyone laugh. Aaron, however, was the leader. He was tall, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He stood out as well because of his clothes, which consisted mostly of old clothes he found at the thrift store and his hair, which had been dyed several times. Aaron had even had to let his hair grow out to look like a real boy again. Jade had figured Aaron out first. He would be the type to take charge of the whole situation and make sure everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing. He had to be a lot like his father in that regard.Now Chris was standing beside him, waiting to see if he would screw up. Aaron was standing on the side talking to the other guys who were there, and he seemed to have that confident look about him.Jade couldn't help but wonder what they thought of him. If they knew him it would make their thoughts a lot easier to understand. The others would be able to look at him, maybe even laugh at the fact that he was actually a teenager, and figure out how to get along with him.He was afraid to ask.It was the first thing he had thought about in a while, and he didn't want to be that guy. He was pretty sure that the others would tell him if he did.The gym was crowded with students

